Monday, June 30, 2008

More on Gram...

I meant to add this on to the end of my "proud mama" post, but I forgot. Gram has been moved to the third floor of the hospital which is the rehabilitation floor. This is a very good thing since only two days ago she was hallucinating, talking "gibberish", and very concerned that she was going to die. (All thanks to the pain medication she was on) Obviously, her reaction to the drugs was not what her doctors desired of her, so taking her off of them became the best course of action. Now my mom has told me that she is herself again, and even beginning physical therapy two times a day. It is my prayer that the horrible pain she was feeling will be gone and that she will be able to resume her normal activities soon. Thank you to all who have prayed for our family once again. We covet your prayers and thoughtfulness.

There Actually is a Little of me in Grant!!

I know...I know, everything about Grant is the "spitting image" of Tim. From the day he was born until now (almost 8 years later), they have looked alike, talked alike, walked alike, you name it, and they do it "alike". But, I have found ONE thing that he has inherited from me!! One thing that almost makes up for the fact that you can't even tell that I birthed him (and with a head the size of his, I really should get some credit:) My son, my very intelligent (even if I do say so myself) son, loves to read!! And I don't mean just a little bit. I mean he devours books -chapters and chapters at a time! For those of you who know me and my habits, you would know that once I pick up a book, I am usually lost in it for hours - possibly only breaking to make a "potty run". I have been like this as long as I can remember. The librarians at the Trenton library knew me by name. So, with all this said, when we went to the Taylor library and Grant chose six chapter books, I was a little reluctant to let him get them all. But as we drove around doing errands, and Grant was completely silent (everyone knows that that is VERY unusual for him:), he was reading the entire time. By the time we got home, he was almost done with the first book! I was still doubtful that he was retaining what he had read so I quizzed him. The child recited sections of the book, and even used some of the same words that the characters in the book used!!! I was floored!! Over the next few days, he proceeded to finish all of the books and ask when we were going to the library for more!! I AM A PROUD MAMA!! For those of you who are not avid readers, you may not understand what the big deal is, but I know that if he can read and enjoys it, school will be easier, studying won't be so hard, and those dreaded research papers might not be so tough. So let me bask in the joy that even though Grant may not look very much like me, he has actually got something that may end up being more important !!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Update on Gram

Gram's hip replacement surgery went according to plan on Tuesday...the doctor's say that the surgery was a success. They described her bone as a "orange peel", the layers were just peeling away! Yuck! Since the surgery, she has been pretty "out of it". The morphine has controlled the pain, but it also has made her blood pressure drop drastically. They actually did a CAT scan to make sure that she hadn't had a stroke because it was so low. The scan came back O.K., but the doctors decided to give her a blood transfusion and take her off the morphine. As of this afternoon, she was not feeling very well and still had some "fogginess". The plan was to have her up and walking some by now, but because of all this other stuff, that hasn't been possible. Right now we are just taking it day by day. I'm not sure what the plan will be for physical therapy or even when she will be coming home but I will post more as Gram makes progress. Please continue to pray...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gram is Cleared For More Surgery

That's right...Gram is getting ready for more surgery. She was given the green light by her 'lung cancer' doctor to proceed with plans for the original hip-replacement surgery. She has been in incredible pain, and has a hard time driving or even just walking. Her recovery from having a portion of her lung removed has been nothing short of a miracle and we pray that her hip-replacement will go just as smoothly. She is scheduled for surgery Tuesday, June 24th and will have to follow up with physical therapy. Once again, we would appreciate your prayers for a successful surgery, a quick recovery and that we all remember to be thankful to God for bringing her through all of these trials safely. I will keep you informed as new details become known to me...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Time Flies When You're 32 Weeks Pregnant!

As usual I am behind...I actually am 32 weeks pregnant today, but the picture I am posting is from June 5th (not quite 31 weeks). It is a picture of Grant's favorite thing to do...well, either rubbing my belly or inspecting my non-existant belly button! (I am happy to report, that I am still a mammal!) Oh well, I will try to do better from now on! You would not have wanted to see a picture of me today anyways...we spent the day cleaning and doing "demolition" on our upstairs rooms so we can move Grant's room upstairs and turn his room into the nursery. Needless to say, I was grungy!

As a side note, we had a doctors appointment on Thursday. The baby's heartbeat was good, my blood pressure was really good too, and I only have a little bit of swelling in my feet. When I asked if the baby was right on track, my doctor informed us that we were "ahead of schedule". We don't have a new due date, but we wouldn't be suprised if he came in late July instead of August. I have another appointment on the 26th, so maybe we will find out more then. I will continue to keep you posted as I am posted!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Spring Soccer has Come To An End

Another season of soccer has come and gone. It really seemed to fly by and Grant enjoyed it more than ever. He had a really nice coach and a good team that actually worked together as a team! We still can't believe that Grant likes soccer so much (this is the child that HATES to run), he has even asked to play in the fall! Granted, he does take his time out on the field once in a while, and has even been known to stop running all together if he is tired! The coach's famous last words to Grant were constantly to "keep moving" and "be aggressive and just get in there"! The only "downer" of the season for Grant was that his brother wasn't here to watch him play...he would have even been content if he just 'came out' for a few games!!! I had to explain to him that the baby was 'still cooking' and would definitely be present for the fall season. But, all in all, the spring soccer season was a success and thoroughly enjoyed by our whole family. The "Green Machines" even made it to the playoffs! I have included some "action" shots and most importantly, ones of the awesome new trophy!

Friday, June 6, 2008

A Day At The Toledo Zoo

I have always loved the zoo and Grant seems to have inherited that from me. Although we enjoy the Detroit Zoo, going to the Toledo Zoo is our preference. This time was extra special though...Papa and Nana Coleman were in town and got to join us on this final 2nd grade field trip! We got to the zoo at 10:00a.m. and didn't leave until 4:00p.m.!! We saw everything there was to see and could barely stay awake to drive home. I think Grant and I wore my parents out!