Saturday, November 29, 2008


The trip was uneventful, Mason and Grant were troopers, and my family was completely taken off guard! I love that they had no idea. The look on my moms face when we pulled up next to her and my sister at a gas station was priceless! Convincing my dad to come back into 'town' for dinner was a little more difficult. Once he arrived (amidst much grumbling), the surprise was enjoyed all over again! That was a great start to a very harried trip. Tim ended up having to work a 1/2 day on Friday which required him to drive 1 1/2 hours Thanksgiving morning (at 3 a.m.) to the closest airport. His return flight left immediately after work on Friday. Well, to make a VERY long story short...he missed his flight. So there I was in Virginia, with two boys, and no car.(It was in long-term parking at the airport, and I didn't have the claim ticket.) They put him on stand-by, but the next flight didn't leave Metro until 9:45p.m. that night. On top of that, he wasn't allowed to leave the airport because he didn't have a boarding pass. They couldn't even confirm that if he waited all day for the next flight, that there would be room for him. Needless to say, Tim became very familiar with Detroit Metro. He ended up on the next plane out, and arrived in Virginia safely. 1 1/2 hours away still. So at 2 o'clock in the morning he finally arrived at my parents house. How he found his way there in the dark, I will never know. Later that day, we packed the car, said our good-byes and headed north. The boys and I felt guilty having such a relaxing and enjoyable time while Tim was going through "you-know-what". My mom swears that he will never bring us back, and I've been too scared to broach the subject! But all in all it was terrific seeing everyone and spending time with my family. But if you ask Tim, his version might not be so pleasant...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Surprises Up Our Sleeves!

We have decided to arrive unannounced for Thanksgiving in Virginia! Are we crazy?? Maybe. I will let you know after we travel 10 hours in a car with a four month old. The decision was made spontaneously, we're not even sure that my family doesn't have alternative plans for the holiday. For instance, wouldn't it be funny if they were planning to surprise us in Michigan??? (That is said 'tongue-in-cheek' and with much sarcasm.) As I have stated before, I am not a huge fan of surprises, and envision many things going wrong on this trip. But, I am going to jump into this plan with gusto and appreciate the fact that my wonderful husband is willing to make all the arrangements necessary to pull this off. I will post further once we arrive and are crying tears of joy or dismay.