Thursday, September 11, 2008

Flag Football

I have now truly entered a season of our lives that I can honestly say I DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!! Football has always been a "foreign" sport to me. I don't understand "downs" or really anything else about it. Tim has tried many times to explain, and just like euchre, it doesn't click. I have been lucky so far that Grant has had no desire to play this particular sport, until now. Tim has introduced him to "flag football" and he loves it! His only conditions were that he wouldn't have to wear all the pads and that he wouldn't have to tackle anyone. (Or be tackled :) Well this particular version of the game fits all of his criteria, and he is doing great! I really don't understand what is going on most of the time, but I am a mother through and through, and I can cheer with the best of them! Tim is helping out as an assistant coach...a fact that Grant is ecstatic about. It is so fun to watch "my boys" out on the field together. I'm sure that in another couple of years, Mason will join them out there!
The one thing that I do still struggle with is the terminology. For example, when Grant told me he had "blitzed" and "juked" a player from the other team, I thought that maybe I should go apologize to the poor child's parent. Grant and my dad reassured me that these were both "good" things and there was no need to make amends. Oh well, I am still learning. I'm sure this will not be the last time that I have to learn something new as we continue to raise our children...

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