Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Guess Surprises Can Be Good!

I usually hate surprises! I know, I know, pretty strong language, but I really don't like to be surprised. Today was an exception. As I left Beckys house, running late as usual, I headed for the school to pick up Grant. When I got there I was pretty fired up to see him running around outside with his friends. He is supposed to be kept indoors until I pick him up. That is when I saw my dad walking across the parking lot towards me! He had driven all the way from Virginia that morning to surprise us!! I started crying so hard that a fellow mother got out of her car to ask me if I was O.K. I think she thought dad was upsetting me! After I got myself under control, I explained that I didn't think I would see my parents until Christmas, and I was totally shocked! I'm usually pretty intuitive about things, and can at least guess if something is going on, but this time I did not have a clue. Anyways, he had made the trip so he would be able to go to Grandparents Day at Grants school on Friday! (And of course, he missed Mason and Tim and I terribly!) We had a wonderful visit that passed way too quickly...he had to leave Sunday to go home :( My mom wasn't able to get away from work and was very jealous of all the stuff we crammed into just a few short days. So I guess there are some surprises that are worth not knowing about :)!!

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